Where to find KidCitizen at NCSS 2022 in Philadelphia!

If you (or a friend) are going to the NCSS conferences in Philly, Friday Dec 2, there will be several chances to meet us, and see the latest free KidCitizen resources for K-5 teachers and children.

Here's where you can find us

(All are Friday December 2)

10:00 AM-11:00 AM, Reg Bridge West, 200 Level (across from Registration)

KidCitizen: K-5 Children Exploring History Through Primary Sources

Table 6. KidCitizen episodes engage children in exploring civics and history through primary sources from the Library of Congress. Episodes work on all devices, and are free for teachers and students. (With Bert Snow)

10:05 AM-11:05 AM, Convention Center 201B

Technology Town Hall - Fostering Digital Global Citizens

Hear a panel of leaders in the digital media industry and expert university faculty discuss the importance of teaching and supporting digital civic engagement in our classrooms and schools. (With Michael Berson, Ilene Berson, Brian Bechard)

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM, Booth ##249, Exhibition Hall

Meet KidCitizen's Bert Snow at the Library of Congress' Teaching with Primary Sources Booth

….and learn about all the amazing Library resources and programs.

5:10 PM-5:40 PM, Mariott Franklin 12 (4th floor)

Exploring a Japanese American Family’s Incarceration at Manzanar Through Primary Sources

Explore an image of a Japanese American family incarcerated at Manzanar during World War II and discuss strategies for use in the elementary classroom, using the KidCitizen digital interactive. (With Ilene Berson, Michael Berson, Bert Snow)

And another early-grades session with the Bersons:

8:45 AM-9:40 AM, Marriott Franklin 1 (4th floor)

Carter Woodson and Notable Tradebooks: Engaging Early Grade Lesson Plans

Are you searching for compelling early grade lesson plans tied to NCSS Notable Tradebooks and Carter G. Woodson winning titles? Look no further! Receive all lesson plans. (With Ilene Berson, Michael Berson, and friends.)

Herbert Snow