New Guide to innovative K-12 Social Studies Distance-Learning Resources

As part of the Social Studies Innovation Network, KidCitizen is proud to be part of a new Guide created to help teachers find innovation content to teach social-studies in their K-12 classrooms, whether for in-class or remote teaching and learning.

Nearly all of these programs are backed by research demonstrating their feasibility for implementation and promise for supporting student learning. They were funded by the American people through federal grants. The guide features 13 resources covering a broad range of topics.

We hope these distance-learning teaching and learning resources will help teachers discover innovative and effective ways to teach core social studies principles in our challenging era.

The Social Studies Innovation Network’s mission is to positively impact social studies teachers and students by helping them find and make use of valuable, innovative social studies resources funded by the federal government.

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KidCitizen provides a new way for K-5 students to engage with history through primary sources, online on tablets or laptops. In KidCitizen’s interactive episodes, children explore civics and government concepts by investigating primary source photographs from the Library of Congress. They also connect what they find with their daily lives.

KidCitizen is always free to teachers and students with support from the Library of Congress, and is part of the Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Sources Project.

KidCitizen is a founding member of the Social Studies Innovation Network.

Herbert Snow